by Jérôme Cornuau
based on the novel by Grégoire Delacourt

Jérôme Cornuau

Director, Producer and Scriptwriter, born in 1961 in Paris, he was trained at the ECPA (Movie and photographic school training center of the Army) during his national service.

He starts his directing career, making the music videos of artits such as Johnny Hallyday, Laurent Voulzy, Yael Naim, Roch Voisine, Eddy Mitchell, Isabelle Boulay, Ménélik, Les sages poètes... and a hundred more films.

He creates two production companies:  Shoot again and Tetra Media in order to take care ot the production of these music videos and of advertisements, for the one, and of fictions for the second (features:  Bouge, Féroce, De la lumière quand même… ; TV serials, TV Movie) and documentaries.

In the 90's, he produces dans directs feature films and TV Movies, but in the early 2000's he decides to stop producting in order to concentrate on writing an directing only.

His work as a director includes the features Chic !, The Crossing, The Tiger Brigade and for televison the mini-serial The Killer of the Lake .

Grégoire Delacourt's novelist career 

He publishes an article in Le Monde on his 18th birthday.

Enters advertising and obtains the greater worldwide rewards.

The Family's Writer - First novel
In 2011, the book won 5 literary prices : Marcel Pagnol Award, First Novel Carrefour Price, Rive Gauche Award in Paris, Cœur de France Award & Meo Camuzet of First Novel Award. Meanwhile, Grégoire Delacourt still works in advertising. 

Second novel:  My wish list
The book is sold to 12 countries before its publication. Today it is sold to 27 countries and among them England & United States.
Summer 2012, 300.000 copies have been sold, then 400.000 by Christmas.

On the 23rd of January, at Ciné XIII Theater, Mikaël Chrinian successfully plays Jocelyne Guerbette (and six others characters from the novel) in a staging made by Anne Bouvier. In the same time, Didier Le Pêcheur actively prepares shooting of the movie with Mathilde Seigner & Marc Lavoine playing Jocelyne & Jocelyn.
Third novel The first thing you see, and it doesn't stop there : Pimprenelle.

2014. We only saw happiness
2015. The four seasons of summer             
2016. Dancing on the edge of the abyss

Synopsis : Edouard, 7 ans, rédige quelques vers de mirlitons et les récite fièrement à ses parents. Quatre pauvres vers d’enfant qui ont la grâce de rimer entre eux et de susciter une admiration disproportionnée. Son destin est scellé, il devient l’écrivain de la famille. Celui qui, par les mots, guérira les souffrances de sa famille abîmée. Dès lors, Edouard se doit de suivre le destin qui semble s’imposer à lui et fait de l’écriture une vocation par procuration. Le problème, c’est qu’il n’a aucun talent. Les années passent, la famille se délite et Edouard s’égare. Jusqu’au jour où il comprend qu’il peut se construire sur ses échecs pour devenir un homme et finalement écrire une histoire d’amour plus belle qu’un roman, celle de sa famille.

Long-métrage - 90' - France

Adaptation du roman L'écrivain de la famille de Grégoire Delacourt (Ed. J.C. Lattès)

Réalisation : Jérôme Cornuau
Scénario : Jérôme Cornuau, Maud Garnier et Julien Teisseire
Production : Alexandre Charlet
Statut : En développement



. “Grégoire Delacourt‘s first novel is intuitive and inspired, written with a wry, somewhat melancholy, humour.” Le Monde des livres.

. “A simple, moving story. A great achievement.” Version femina

. "Ferociously tender.” Grazia